
President's speech

Monsieur Baba TALL, Président CAP SENEGAL

At this precise moment when the future of our organization is taking shape, I would like to share with you some strong ideas on my program if you trust me to lead the destinies of our organization, CAP-SENEGAL.

These ideas are the result of a reflection built on the advantages and opportunities of globalization and digital technology, through the prism of maritime and port activities. 

Our port community's mission is to bring together, on an associative basis, all the users and stakeholders of the port area.

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Such a plan takes shape around a certain number of objectives, the achievement of which would make it possible, on the one hand, to increase the competitiveness of the port area of Dakar and of the other ports of Senegal, on the other hand to confer particularly on the Port. of Dakar, a reputation as the largest industrial, commercial and transit port in the sub-region, by constantly improving its performance.